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Introductory Algebra Syllabus

5. Catalog Course Description: This course is a study of introductory algebra. Topics include
simplifying algebraic expressions, solutions of linear equations and inequalities in one
variable, applying rules of exponents, calculations involving scientific notation, operations
on polynomials, factorization of polynomials, solving polynomial equations by factoring,
systems of equations, graphs of linear equations in two variables, and application problems
involving linear models. The focus of lab instruction is content reinforcement.

6. Course Goals:
• Introduce students to the language of algebra.
• Prepare students for Intermediate Algebra.

7. Course Competencies/Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion, the student
will be able to:

• solve linear equations in one variable.
• use rules of exponents in simplifying expressions and in calculations involving
scientific notation.
• perform operations on polynomials.
• factor polynomials.
• solve quadratic equations by factoring.
• graph linear equations in two variables.
• identify slope and intercepts of linear equations.
• solve application problems involving linear models.

8. Departmental Policies:
• Prerequisite: Math 0080 with a “C” or better or placement based on assessment scores.
• Attendance is required. According to STC policy, a student who does not meet the College
Readiness Standard for Texas Success Initiatives (TSI) must attend a developmental class in
order to earn credit in any academic course(s) in which s/he may be enrolled. Any student
who accumulates the equivalent of four (4) hours of absences, excused or unexcused, in
a developmental class will be referred to the Retention Specialists. Any student who
accumulates the equivalent of eight (8) hours of absences, excused or unexcused, may be
withdrawn from the course by the instructor. A student may also be withdrawn from
the course for non-participation in the class. Any student who is taking Math 85 as his/her
only developmental course,
and is withdrawn from the course, will be withdrawn from all
college courses.
• Three (3) tardy will be counted as 1 absence. A tardy is defined as entering class after the
starting time OR leaving the class early. Time lost from a quiz or a test due to tardiness
will not be made up.

• The last day to withdraw with a “W” is November 14, 2008. A student who has not
withdrawn by the said date and has stopped attending class will receive a grade of “F” for the
• If you are repeating this course, please make an appointment with your instructor.

P Grade Policy
Students who pass the math section of the THEA/ACCUPLACER during the term may
receive a grade of "P" for that course. A grade of "P" will count as a successful completion
of the course, but it will not be included in calculating the Current Semester GPA. In order
to be eligible for a "P” grade, students must provide the instructor with assessment scores
demonstrating that they have met the passing standard for college readiness (THEA – 250,
ACCUPLACER EA – 68). Students also have the option of completing the course and
receiving a letter grade, which will be included in calculating the Current Semester GPA.
Students are encouraged to continue attending the class and complete the course in order to
be better prepared for college-level courses. Note: P grades are not awarded
automatically and are upon instructor discretion. It is important that you bring to your
instructor a P Grade form signed by the Retention Specialist before you are awarded
the P grade.

9. Technology:
• MyMathLab is required and is an online based interactive software that allows students to
access practice problems, supplemental instructional material such as videos and/or tutorials,
and online assignments with immediate feedback. Students can also benefit from free
personal tutoring services
offered through MyMathLab either via phone, chat, or electronic
whiteboard. Students are scheduled to meet 1 hour a week in a computer lab working on
their online assignments.

10. Evaluation Methods:
See individual instructor's attachment.

11. Grading Criteria:
• Homework/Quizzes/Projects/Tests (as determined by instructor) 75%
• Departmental Comprehensive Final Exam (Mandatory) 25%

• Course grade is determined as follows:

12. Textbook & Resources:

Required for all Developmental Math Courses:

1. Text: M. Bittinger, D. Ellenbogen. Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra, 2/E
2. Software: MyMathLab
3. Worksheets: J. Penna, L. Hurley, B. Johnson.Worksheets for Classroom or Lab Practice.

1. Any standard 4-function calculator.
2. A binder/notebook/folder to hold the textbook.

• The required items are sold as a package at the bookstore to help save you money. This
is a one-time purchase only for the entire developmental math sequence.
• The textbook is currently only being sold as loose-leaf at the bookstore to help save you
money. You are encouraged to put the book in a binder/notebook/folder. You will NOT
be able to sell the textbook back to the bookstore at the end of the semester. It is yours 4
• The MyMathLab account in the bundle will be good for the life of the book at STC.

13. Written Project (Two pages type):
Write a paper on any topic suggested by your instructor.

Secretaries Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Information:

Departmental Foundation Skills:

A. Basic Skills
Reading: Read, understand and interpret written mathematical information.
Writing: Write a report on a topic related to mathematics.
Arithmetic and Mathematical Operations: Use arithmetic in computations and
solving problems involving real-life situations.
Speaking: Participate in class discussions, solve problems and explain the solution
process to the teacher and the peers.

B. Thinking Skills:
Creative Thinking: Demonstrate creative thinking by solving problems.
Decision Making: Decide which method to use to solve a particular equation given a
set of different methods from which to choose.
Problem Solving: Generate a plan to solve application problems; set pieces of
information into an equation. Apply previously learned skills and combine them with
newly learned skills to solve new problems.
Visualize: Organize and process symbols, pictures and graphs to solve mathematical
Reasoning: Recognize if the solution to a problem is reasonable or not.

C. Personal Qualities:
Responsibility: Students will exert a high level of effort.
Self-Esteem: Students will maintain a positive view of themselves.
Sociability: Students will work in groups.
Self-Management: Students will assess themselves.
Integrity and Honesty: Students will be honest and trustworthy.